Sunday, January 5, 2014

Recap from Christmas and A Personal Perspective

I got to go home to North Carolina for Christmas!
And it was wonderful!
Here's a quick photo recap:

I love spending time with my sisters!

Christmas morning!

My family. They were so patient with me as I tried out my new tripod!


This year our family after-Christmas trip was going to Washington D.C.
We crammed quite a bit in two days!
Library of Congress

Giant whale at the Smithsonian

Capitol Building with Dad!

Washington D.C. Temple
Dad commented how cool it was that he and my mom were married here, and now
many years later all four of us kids were standing there.
Families are eternal!

My siblings. What a great group of people!

I'm really trying to improve my photography skills! Luckily, Jeanice needed a new Facebook profile picture so it gave us an excuse to have a little photo shoot at Grandpa's house!

Isn't she gorgeous?

A personal favorite.

On a more personal note....
As 2014 begins, I'm thinking a lot about my life.
I'm very blessed!
I'm surrounded by wonderful people who influence my life for good every day!
Good things are happening! I currently have six close friends/family members who are expecting babies and two weddings in the next several months!
I'm so happy to be part of these special times in their lives.
Moreover, I have realized yet again that Heavenly Father has a plan for me.
My worth is not diminished because I am not married and don't have children.
There are other important things that I can do!
I have to remind myself of this on a daily basis because the culture might tell me otherwise.
Gratefully, Heavenly Father is patient and kind and reminds me on a daily basis that He loves me.
I don't often blog about my dating, but I want to today.
There are lots of ups and downs and insecurities involved in dating.
It is fun and hard and one of the most educational experiences of my life!
If I had the answer to the question, "Why aren't you married?", I would be a millionaire!
I know it seems strange to others that I'm still single.
I have all the things that would make a good wife!
The only answer is that it must not be the right time right now.
I know, though, that when I meet the right person, I will know.
I never pictured myself being 25 and not being married. Believe me, I never did.
But I'm so grateful I'm here!
I've been able to serve a mission and work for several years as a nurse!
I've been able to travel and develop friendships with amazing men and women!
I wouldn't trade any of it!
So in 2014 I'm going to be patient.
I'm going to have faith.
I'm going to continue to remind myself every day that Heavenly Father has a plan for me.
Because I know He does!
Elder Richard G. Scott said:
"...There is no more solid foundation than faith in the love Heavenly Father has for you,
faith in His plan of happiness, and faith in the capacity and willingness of Jesus Christ
to fulfill all of His promises."
("The Sustaining Power of Faith in Times of Uncertainty and Testing, 2003 General Conference)
Instead of wondering why or why not, I'm going to enjoy the good life I have.
If anyone reading this finds himself wondering why a certain blessing or expectation has seemingly been withheld, just remember that all things come in the Lord's time.
Sometimes it's not very comforting to hear that, but it's true.
The Lord has not forsaken me yet, and I know He won't.
He might let me struggle and wonder, but in the end He keeps His promises.
And He loves us!
This I know.
Happy 2014, everyone!