Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Best Years of My Life

It's February 2nd.
Holy cow!
What happened to January?
I got to see lots of cute kids at my cousin Tahlia's wedding!

I got to see my cousin Tahlia, one of my best friends, marry a wonderful man.
It was a happy day!

Love her. A lot!

I went to the ice castles in Midway with my friend Sarah!
We saw Olaf!

So much fun!

We finished off the night with a Christmas-tree-burning bonfire!
I was sitting in Sacrament Meeting today listening to everyone bear their
testimonies and I felt a great love for all my family and friends and
everyone who has supported me and brought me to where I am today!
I love my ward. I love working in the Relief Society. These girls are bright,
accomplished, happy, and wonderful examples to me.
I love talking with these sisters. They help me keep
a focused and positive perspective!
Definitely a mark of the best years of my life!
I love my family. Seeing my cousin Tahlia get married was such a wonderful experience!
After all the late-night and early-morning conversations hashing out the ups
and downs of dating, she got married! To a wonderful man!
Good and kind. That's all that really matters. It doesn't matter so much
what his major or his job is, whether he's tall or short,
or what kind of car he drives.
But if he's good and kind and loves the Lord, he's a good catch!
January was wonderful. I'm excited for February!

For Your Listening Pleasure

Yesterday I discovered Michael Buble's rendition of one of my favorite songs from "Singin' in the Rain." You can't help but listen to this song and feel happy! Enjoy!