Sunday, August 10, 2014

Preparing to be Mrs. Little (Warning: This is a long one!)

My heart is so full of emotions today!
I know that I need to write all this down ASAP before I forget!

Aaron and I have been dating since January.
It has been wonderful and, I can honestly say, pretty easy!
We are best friends!
We talk about everything.
We care about each other's lives and well-being.
We love each other!

By May we felt like our relationship might really go somewhere serious, so we bought tickets
to visit my family in North Carolina over the 24th of July.
Sometime toward the end of June we decided that we wanted to get married.
I don't remember any major talks or discussions, but I do remember feeling good about it.
After the 4th of July weekend, we sat down with his parents and told them we wanted to get married.
They were so excited! 
We talked for an hour and a half about wedding plans.
Simple, I said. Let's keep it really simple!

So we chose Thursday, October 16th.
In the Salt Lake Temple.
I bought a dress. 
We did some ring shopping.
We went to NC and visited with my family.
Aaron talked to my dad. He says it is one of the most nerve-wracking things he's ever done!
I love him for being willing to do it!
My dad said, "Go for it!"

Aaron kept telling me that he probably wouldn't officially propose until I get back from my two-week tour of Europe the end of this month.
I thought it would be nice to have a ring before that, but I wasn't going to bother him about it.
I trusted his judgment on this. 

We continued making wedding plans.
I'm so excited about it that I couldn't keep it very secret.
Pretty much everyone knew; we just hadn't posted it on Facebook.
This past Tuesday we baby-sat his niece and nephew. 
Afterwards, Aaron suggested we go to his parents' house to discuss the remodel they're doing on his condo.
While we were there, Aaron's mom got a call from a neighbor saying she had four tickets to a 
symphony in Park City the following night.
They asked us what we were doing.
We had no plans, so we decided to meet in PC at 6:30 for dinner, then symphony at 8:00.

On Wednesday, I came home from work and changed into nicer clothes.
Aaron came and got me and we headed up the canyon.
On our way up, I tried to get some hint from him about what surprise he has in store after Europe.
(Remember, I thought he wasn't going to propose until then.)
He said he couldn't tell me anything because it would give it away.
We got a text from his mom saying his dad wasn't home yet and to go ahead and have dinner without them.
We got to Cafe Terigo about 6:45.
They seated us outside at a nice table for two.
That should have been a clue right there!
Aaron and I enjoyed a really nice meal. 
He was texting periodically during the meal. After a text, he would say something that made me think he was texting his parents to see where they were.
About 7:45, I asked him if we needed to go to make it to the symphony on time.
He said it was just up the street and why didn't we get a dessert?
I said I was really full.
He said let's get some gelato. It glides right down.
I never turn down gelato!

The manager comes and takes our plates.
They bring dessert. 
I am thoroughly enjoying hazelnut gelato.
A few minutes later, Aaron says we should get going.
I fold my napkin and reach for my purse.
Aaron says, "Before we go, I have to ask you a question."
He scoots his chair back and stands up.
I see a small white box in his hands.
My eyes get wide and I gasp very loudly!
Aaron comes and kneels down beside me and takes my hands.
The little white box is open and I see the beautiful ring that I tried on the week before.
People in the restaurant are starting to notice.
I hear excited remarks and someone says loudly, "Grab a camera!"

I'm squealing, "Aaron, what are you doing?"
"You're doing this right now!"
"Aaron, you're proposing!"
Aaron smiles up at me and nods. 
I remember him saying something about how his life has been so much better with me, and he's pretty sure he knows the answer but has to ask anyway.
Somewhere in his beautiful speech I interrupted him and said, "Yes!"
The poor guy abandoned the well-rehearsed lines and, laughing because I was so completely caught off guard, stood up and started to put the ring on my fourth right finger. 
I quickly corrected him and he slid it in its rightful place.
I threw my arms around his neck and he kissed me.
I shook my head in amazement and said again, "Aaron, you just proposed!"
He grinned and nodded and said, "Yep, that's why Heather is here taking pictures!"
I looked over to see Aaron's sister clicking away with her camera and her husband standing beside her.
I couldn't believe this had just happened!
Heather and Jeff came over and hugged us.
I'm still trying to catch my breath!
Eventually we sat down and ate some more gelato.
I felt bad that I cut him off, so I asked him to repeat what he had said earlier.
He took my hands across the table and told me very sincerely that his life 
has been so much better since he met me.
He said originally he wanted to wait until I came back from Europe, but then he
decided he couldn't wait that long. 
He told me he was pretty sure of the answer, but had to ask, "Will you marry me?"
I was too excited to cry!
I felt so warm and fuzzy inside! 
I couldn't believe he had just proposed!

We finished our dinner. 
The manager and waitress both congratulated us. 
Turns out they knew all along!
Aaron and his parents had called ahead and made all the arrangements.
And there was no symphony.

I was so ecstatic! 
It was official!
We started walking down the main street of Park City.
We wondered what people usually do right after a proposal?
I hopped on my phone and posted it to Instagram and Facebook!
I was so excited and I wanted to share this with everyone!

In the few days since the proposal, I have been blown away by the amount of love and support
we have received from family and friends.
Everyone is excited for us!

And we are excited to being our life together as Mr. & Mrs. Little.
I have a very strong testimony of the institution of marriage.
The Lord intends for us to come together as man and wife.
It is so wonderful to always have a companion by my side.
I'm so grateful for the Priesthood Aaron holds.
I'm grateful that he is worthy to preside in our home!

Aaron's parents have generously offered to help remodel Aaron's condo.
This week they ripped out the kitchen and the master bathroom.
It is so exciting to think that this will be our home!

In about nine weeks, Aaron and I will be sealed for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple.
There's a lot to do between now and then.
But for today, I'm going to be excited about my future as Mrs. Little!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

My Life As a Nurse

I love being a nurse!
Currently I work at an allergy clinic.
The pollens are just coming out, so patients are often congested and cranky.
By 8:00 this morning I had been sworn at multiple times and
involved yet again in crazy corporate drama.
Things like this happen every day.
I'm learning how to be resilient.
I'm learning how to be kind, even when I may not want to be.
I'm learning how to be tactful in what I say.
I'm learning that it's worth my time to understand someone's side of his story.
I'm learning that grudges require energy and, frankly, aren't worth it.
I'm learning that being demanding only brings temporary gratification.
I'm learning that gossip is worse than an illness.
Thankfully, I work with wonderful people.
Strong, confident people.
I have so much to learn from them!
I work with physicians who are kind, loyal, and very diplomatic.
They are wonderful examples to me.
It is an amazing thing to be able to affect even hundreds of lives in a single day's work.
There is great power in influencing someone else for good.
It's worth being sworn at a few times or involved in some drama if the end result is that
I can help someone have a better quality of life.
Sometimes I have to take a deep breath and remind myself of this, but it's true.
The moments, though, when a patient thanks or compliments me
make it all worth it!
In two weeks I have an interview for a Master's program.
I'm really excited because it's a Master's of Science in Nursing
with a focus in Nursing Administration.
I've felt for awhile that I should continue my education, but haven't really known how.
This program will allow me to keep working full-time as well as study.
I'll keep you posted on how the interview goes!
In the meantime, I'll keep giving allergy shots.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Best Years of My Life

It's February 2nd.
Holy cow!
What happened to January?
I got to see lots of cute kids at my cousin Tahlia's wedding!

I got to see my cousin Tahlia, one of my best friends, marry a wonderful man.
It was a happy day!

Love her. A lot!

I went to the ice castles in Midway with my friend Sarah!
We saw Olaf!

So much fun!

We finished off the night with a Christmas-tree-burning bonfire!
I was sitting in Sacrament Meeting today listening to everyone bear their
testimonies and I felt a great love for all my family and friends and
everyone who has supported me and brought me to where I am today!
I love my ward. I love working in the Relief Society. These girls are bright,
accomplished, happy, and wonderful examples to me.
I love talking with these sisters. They help me keep
a focused and positive perspective!
Definitely a mark of the best years of my life!
I love my family. Seeing my cousin Tahlia get married was such a wonderful experience!
After all the late-night and early-morning conversations hashing out the ups
and downs of dating, she got married! To a wonderful man!
Good and kind. That's all that really matters. It doesn't matter so much
what his major or his job is, whether he's tall or short,
or what kind of car he drives.
But if he's good and kind and loves the Lord, he's a good catch!
January was wonderful. I'm excited for February!

For Your Listening Pleasure

Yesterday I discovered Michael Buble's rendition of one of my favorite songs from "Singin' in the Rain." You can't help but listen to this song and feel happy! Enjoy!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Recap from Christmas and A Personal Perspective

I got to go home to North Carolina for Christmas!
And it was wonderful!
Here's a quick photo recap:

I love spending time with my sisters!

Christmas morning!

My family. They were so patient with me as I tried out my new tripod!


This year our family after-Christmas trip was going to Washington D.C.
We crammed quite a bit in two days!
Library of Congress

Giant whale at the Smithsonian

Capitol Building with Dad!

Washington D.C. Temple
Dad commented how cool it was that he and my mom were married here, and now
many years later all four of us kids were standing there.
Families are eternal!

My siblings. What a great group of people!

I'm really trying to improve my photography skills! Luckily, Jeanice needed a new Facebook profile picture so it gave us an excuse to have a little photo shoot at Grandpa's house!

Isn't she gorgeous?

A personal favorite.

On a more personal note....
As 2014 begins, I'm thinking a lot about my life.
I'm very blessed!
I'm surrounded by wonderful people who influence my life for good every day!
Good things are happening! I currently have six close friends/family members who are expecting babies and two weddings in the next several months!
I'm so happy to be part of these special times in their lives.
Moreover, I have realized yet again that Heavenly Father has a plan for me.
My worth is not diminished because I am not married and don't have children.
There are other important things that I can do!
I have to remind myself of this on a daily basis because the culture might tell me otherwise.
Gratefully, Heavenly Father is patient and kind and reminds me on a daily basis that He loves me.
I don't often blog about my dating, but I want to today.
There are lots of ups and downs and insecurities involved in dating.
It is fun and hard and one of the most educational experiences of my life!
If I had the answer to the question, "Why aren't you married?", I would be a millionaire!
I know it seems strange to others that I'm still single.
I have all the things that would make a good wife!
The only answer is that it must not be the right time right now.
I know, though, that when I meet the right person, I will know.
I never pictured myself being 25 and not being married. Believe me, I never did.
But I'm so grateful I'm here!
I've been able to serve a mission and work for several years as a nurse!
I've been able to travel and develop friendships with amazing men and women!
I wouldn't trade any of it!
So in 2014 I'm going to be patient.
I'm going to have faith.
I'm going to continue to remind myself every day that Heavenly Father has a plan for me.
Because I know He does!
Elder Richard G. Scott said:
"...There is no more solid foundation than faith in the love Heavenly Father has for you,
faith in His plan of happiness, and faith in the capacity and willingness of Jesus Christ
to fulfill all of His promises."
("The Sustaining Power of Faith in Times of Uncertainty and Testing, 2003 General Conference)
Instead of wondering why or why not, I'm going to enjoy the good life I have.
If anyone reading this finds himself wondering why a certain blessing or expectation has seemingly been withheld, just remember that all things come in the Lord's time.
Sometimes it's not very comforting to hear that, but it's true.
The Lord has not forsaken me yet, and I know He won't.
He might let me struggle and wonder, but in the end He keeps His promises.
And He loves us!
This I know.
Happy 2014, everyone!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Grateful. So Grateful!

Today is Day 18 of the days of Thanksgiving.
Boy, do I have a lot to be grateful for!
I have a great job, awesome co-workers, a fun singles' ward, and the list could go on and on!
Looking specifically at the past week, though:
I'm grateful that my cousin Tahlia is engaged to a great guy and that she's happy!
I'm grateful that my cousin Melissa will have a healthy baby boy any minute now!
I'm grateful that my cousins Jon and Tyla let me watch their little cutie Averie on Saturday.
There's nothing like holding a sleeping baby to make one feel like all is right in the world!
I'm grateful for the opportunity to work in the temple each Monday morning.
The sisters there uplift and inspire me and make me feel like I have 30+ moms right here in Utah!
I'm grateful for an hour of "Shark Tank," a bowl of strawberry ice cream, and a good chat with my friend Katy, even when she wasn't feeling well.
I'm grateful for being able to see the play "The Wizard of Oz" with my friend Lindsey!
I'm grateful for a fun Friday night date!
I'm grateful for a lazy Saturday morning and a chance to tidy up the apartment!
This is just a sampling of all the things I have to be grateful for!
I am amazed at how many things the Lord has blessed me with and how the blessings keep coming!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Relief Society Broadcast, General Conference, New York, and Other Fun Adventures!

The past month has been full of fun adventures!
The best way for me to share them is to show you pictures!
New York trip first. :)
The view overlooking New Jersey! I haven't seen many more gorgeous sights!

Manhattan Temple! So incredibly cool!
Food in New York is so good! On my first night, Sarah and I enjoyed Korean burritos! So yummy!

Living the big city life (at least for a couple of days!)

Meet Alex: our dynamic history-buff-turned-chocolate-tour-guide!

So vintage and cute!
Headed uptown on the subway!

This was an expensive photo! The next time a friend warns me not to take a picture because they might ask for money, I'll walk the other way!

I could pass for a New Yorker, right?

Times Square!!

We saw "Cinderella!"

Delicious cupcakes we enjoyed on our chocolate tour!

Here are a few flashbacks:
Courtney and I went and saw the play "The Secret Garden" at Utah State!

Relief Society Broadcast!

Me and Jeanice on Temple Square for General Conference!

She is so fun!

Of course, a girls' weekend has to include some shopping!

This was last night at a Halloween party! (I'm the Angry Bird)
Let the festivities begin!
 In summary...I went to New York to visit my friend Sarah and I LOVED it!
I just got called as the 1st Counselor in our ward's Relief Society Presidency and it's great!
The girls I serve with are amazing and quickly becoming some of my best friends!
I'm looking at graduate programs, hoping to start something next fall!
Life is good! Happy Fall!